Broad General Inclusive Fitness

The concept of CrossFit is easy to grasp. It is a broad, general and inclusive fitness.

CrossFit is designed to develop the body in different domains to achieve optimal overall performance. This is achieved by creating a balance of mind and body using various forms of functional work.

In building a routine around functional movements, you create a balance in all ten of these very important capacities:
  • Cardiorespriratory Endurance
  • Stamina
  • Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Power
  • Speed
  • Coordination
  • Accuracy
  • Agility
  • Balance
For example, let's take two types of athletes: a competition Power lifter and Runner. The Power Lifter may be able to squat 500lbs and run a 8:30 mile. The Runner's squat is 195lbs, but runs a 4:50 mile. While both exceed in their own domains, they are lacking in other areas.

It makes more sense regarding a human's functionality where a combination of the two types is ideal. This third type, squatting 350lbs and running a 6:00 mile, would be a much more efficient machine... This is what CrossFit ultimately helps you achieve.


2013-07-31 Training Day

Warm Up/Movement Correction

4 x bear crawl; 10 push up to walk out; Bretzel x 5 each side, 15 KB Windmills each arm (16KG); 10 SLDL (16KG); Glute Bridge Complex; Thoracic Bridge; 10 YTAW


T2 and T3: 3 rounds
1a.) Bent Over Row 4-6 (115LBS)
Rest 60 Sec
1b.) Powell Raise 10-12 (15LBS)
Rest 60 sec


3 min As Many Calories as Possible Air Dyne Test; (51 CAL)

Rest 3 min;

3 min AMRAP Rope Climbs; (15)

Rest 3 min;

3 min AMRAP Burpee Pull Ups (18)


2013-07-26 Training Day

Warm Up/Movement Correction

4 x bear crawl; 20 push up to walk out; 15 KB Windmills each arm (16Kg) ; 10 SLDL (16kg) ; Thoracic Bridge; 10 YTAW


T2:Pull Ups 3 x max



4 Rounds: 400M Run; 20 KB Swings (24KG) ; 10 Pull Ups or RIng Rows rest 2 min between rounds

Alt grip pull-ups, last two rounds ring pulls.



2013-07-25 Training Day

Warm Up/Movement Correction

2 MIn Air Dyne; 20 Kb (16KG) Sumo Deadlift; 10 ROckette Kicks each side; 10 YTAW; 60 Sec PLank Hold; Lax Ball Hamstrings and Glutes


T2: Back Squat 2 Warm Up (bar/75lbs); 3 sets 6-8 (85LBS)
Rest 60 sec
Press 2 Warm Up (bar/75); 3 sets 6-8 (105LBS);
Rest 60 sec


T2: 3 rounds 5 wall climbs; 10 over the box jumps (20" Box, Up and Downs), 15 deadlifts (135LBS)



2013-07-23 Training Day

Warm Up/Movement Correction

5x20M Shuttle Run; 10 KB WIndmill Each Arm, 5 TGU Each Side; 60 sec side plank hold each side; 10 YTAW; 15 Scap Push UPs


T2: Hang Power Clean 2 Warm Up (75LBS) 4 working sets of 3 (125LBS).


T1: Get as far as you can in 8 min of 1 DB (30LBS) Snatch each arm, 10 Single Unders. Each round, add 1 DB SNatch and 10 Jumps

(6 Rounds!!)


2013-07-18 Test Day

Warm Up/Movement Correction

5x20M Shuttle Run; 10 (16KG) KB WIndmill Each Arm, 5 (16KG) TGU Each Side; 60 sec side plank hold each side; 10 YTAW; 15 Scap Push UPs


T2 and T3:
Back Squat 2 Warm Up (Bar, then 65); 3 sets 8-12 (85, tried 135 x3)
Press 2 Warm Up; 3 sets 8-12 (85lbs)

Fitness Tester

All Tiers

10 min AMRAP; 10 Wall Ball (20/14); 10 Burpee Box Jump (Step Down)(#20 box)

3 rounds + 3 wall balls


Training Day

Warm Up/Movement Correction

2 MIn Air Dyne; 20 Kb Sumo Deadlift (16KG) ; 20 BW Good Mornings; 10 ROckette Kicks each side; 10 YTAW; 60 Sec Plank Hold; Lax Ball Hamstrings and Glutes


T2: Hang Power Clean
2 Warm Up 4 working sets of 3 (125LBS)


T2: 15-12-9-6-3x reps Hang Power clean (85LBS) and Dips (#20 box)

Time: 8:42


2013-07-09 Strength Test and Another Girl

Warm Up/Movement Correction

2 min Airdyne; 2 x 10 YTAW; 2 x 30sec ARM BAR; 2 x 10 Bat Wings; 6 point Zeniths; 2 x 15 Scap Push Ups


T2 and T3: 20 Min to find 1RM Floor press (165lbs) AND Weighted Chin Up (reg chin-ups-arm hurt)



T2: 21-15-9 Deadlift (165); Pike Push Up

TIME 8:45