Broad General Inclusive Fitness

The concept of CrossFit is easy to grasp. It is a broad, general and inclusive fitness.

CrossFit is designed to develop the body in different domains to achieve optimal overall performance. This is achieved by creating a balance of mind and body using various forms of functional work.

In building a routine around functional movements, you create a balance in all ten of these very important capacities:
  • Cardiorespriratory Endurance
  • Stamina
  • Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Power
  • Speed
  • Coordination
  • Accuracy
  • Agility
  • Balance
For example, let's take two types of athletes: a competition Power lifter and Runner. The Power Lifter may be able to squat 500lbs and run a 8:30 mile. The Runner's squat is 195lbs, but runs a 4:50 mile. While both exceed in their own domains, they are lacking in other areas.

It makes more sense regarding a human's functionality where a combination of the two types is ideal. This third type, squatting 350lbs and running a 6:00 mile, would be a much more efficient machine... This is what CrossFit ultimately helps you achieve.



Bench Press

Bench Press 1 set 10 reps @70%, 1×8 Reps @75%, 1×6 reps @80%, 1×4 reps @85%

135/145/155/165 failed rep 4


12 minute AMRAP
L Seated DB/KB press – 6 Reps 30LB
24″ Box Jump – 9 Reps
Row – 12 Calories

2 pood/1.5 pood KB Swing – 18 Reps

3 + 42

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