Broad General Inclusive Fitness

The concept of CrossFit is easy to grasp. It is a broad, general and inclusive fitness.

CrossFit is designed to develop the body in different domains to achieve optimal overall performance. This is achieved by creating a balance of mind and body using various forms of functional work.

In building a routine around functional movements, you create a balance in all ten of these very important capacities:
  • Cardiorespriratory Endurance
  • Stamina
  • Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Power
  • Speed
  • Coordination
  • Accuracy
  • Agility
  • Balance
For example, let's take two types of athletes: a competition Power lifter and Runner. The Power Lifter may be able to squat 500lbs and run a 8:30 mile. The Runner's squat is 195lbs, but runs a 4:50 mile. While both exceed in their own domains, they are lacking in other areas.

It makes more sense regarding a human's functionality where a combination of the two types is ideal. This third type, squatting 350lbs and running a 6:00 mile, would be a much more efficient machine... This is what CrossFit ultimately helps you achieve.



Back from California and ready to go!

In honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael McGreevy, 30, of Portville, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28:

Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups

(sub'd 25 reps and 1000 meter row for run)

Row times (1000m/ea): 4:37 - 4:17 - 4:21

Total time: 22:57


Pullups per Minute

With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed.

12minutes+12 pullups (completed 13th at 13:01), 90 pullups! NEW PR!



A day of rest... or is it??


Row 1000m x 2

Complete 2 rounds of 1000m. Rest 2-4 minutes in between rounds. Record time for each round.

3:54.5 (.2 sooner, would've beaten PR!)


Shoulder Press/Pullups

7 Rounds for time of: 21x55lb shoulder press and 10 pullups

14:30 NEW PR!



Fran - 21-15-9 reps of 95lb Thrusters and Pullups.

8:18 (poor time, hopefully getting back into 7:00 range next time)


Row 500 - Squat 50


4 rounds of Row 500 meters, 50 squats for time.


Total time: 17:30 (not too bad, but again, getting back)


5 Pullups, 10 Pushups, 15 Squats: Complete as many rounds as possible in 20minutes.

12 Rds... not too bad, just getting back into the routine again. I will work my way back up.

5x5 Squat

A - 175-180-185-200-205
J - 155-165-175-185-195 (trying to be sensitive to right knee)



Have been out of the loop for awhile, and haven't been posting. No worries. I'm back and PUMPED! Woot.


Fight Gone Bad


Three rounds of:
Thrusters, 20lbs (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (meters)

THR: 42 - 27 - 25
SDHP: 17 - 19 - 20
BJ: 24 - 21 - 20
PP: 25 - 15 - 11
Row: 259m - 190m - 180m

THR: 56 - 20 - 17
SDHP: 25 - 20 - 16
BJ: 32 - 30 - 20
PP: 18 - 20 - 14
Row: 200m - 170m - 160m

Tabata Something Else!!


Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.

Tabata scores:
J: 37 (new pr from 34)
A: 32 (new pr from 29)


Run 2 mi

Run 2 miles... piece of cake... KILLED IT!

Dirty Thirties!!


For time:

30 Box jump, 24 inch box (sub'd steps - 2nd step)
30 pull-ups
30 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood (sub'd with DB)
Walking Lunge, 30 steps
30 Knees to elbows
30 Push press, 45 pounds
30 Back extensions (sub'd 45lb deadlifts)
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball (sub'd 45lb thrusters)
30 Burpees
30 Double unders (sub'd 100 single jump rope)

John- 19:15
Rob- 25:00
Adam- 26:02

5x5 Squat


5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 Squats

Rob: 165lbs - 175 - 180 - 190 - 200lbs (PR!)
John: 165lbs - 175 - 180 - 190 - 200lbs (PR!)




100 Pullups, 100 Pushups, 100 Situps, 100 Squats for time
Must complete exercise before moving onto the next.

J- 25:06 NEW PR
Rob- 21:15 NEW PR
A- 27:36 NEW PR!!


Finished off with 100% intensity 400m row
R- 1:31
J- 1:31
R- 1:32
A- 1:21!!!! (New record!)


SDHP and Ring Dips


7 rounds for time of:

Sumo deadlift high pull x 10
Ring dips x 7

JD and Rob- 12:32

Finished off with 2 rounds of 400 m row 2 minutes rest in between

J- 1:27
R- 1:32
J- 1:32
R- 1:32

Row 500m, 50 squats


4 rounds of Row 500m, 50 squats for time


Press/Push Press/Push Jerk


Press 1-1-1-1-1
J: 150-155-160-160-155
A: 125-130-135-135-130

Push Press 3-3-3-3-3
J: 150-155-160-165-165
A: 125-135-135-135-135

Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5
J: 105-105-105-105-105
A: 105-105-105-105-105


Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1


185-195-205-215-225-235-245-255! NEW PR for BOTH!



21-15-9 reps for time of:
95lb Thrusters

John: 7:24
Adam: 7:24:35 (sub'd 65lb)
Rob: 7:24:50 (sub'd 65lb)




75lb Snatch x 75

(Sub'd 55 lbs x 50)



Complete as many rounds in twenty minutes as you can of:

2 Muscle-ups
4 Handstand Push-ups
8 2-Pood Kettlebell swings

(sub'd off the ground on rings, 50lb dumbbell, and for 15 minutes)

8 rounds!



100 pullups, 100 pushups, 100 squats, 100 situps for time. Must complete one exercise before moving onto the next.

28:00 (New PR)



5 Rounds for time of:

20 Pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 Squats

John - 43:15
Rob - 42:00
Adam - 41:10


Crossfit Total

Squat: 240 (new PR)
Military Press: 160 (new PR)
Deadlift: 265 (new PR)

Increasing quite a bit:
6/07 - 515lbs
7/07 - 530
9/07 - 595
11/07 - 620

Squat: 240 (new PR)
Military Press: 135 (new PR)
Deadlift: 235 (new PR)

Pullups per minute

With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Use as many sets each minute as needed.

12 minutes, 78 pullups! NEW PR!

400m rows x 4

4 rounds of 400m rows, rest 2 minutes in between each

Round 1
John: 1:35
Rob: 1:38

Round 2
John: 1:34
Rob: 1:38

Round 3
John: 1:31
Rob: 1:39

Round 4
John: 1:37
Rob: 1:31


Back Squat 5x5x5x5x5


John: 135-165-175-180-180
Adam: 135-165-165-165-165
Rob: 135-135-165-165-175



Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 Pullups, 10 Pushups, 15 Squats

Rob: 14
John: 17 (NEW PR!)



100 pullups, 100 pushups, 100 squats, 100 situps for time. Must complete one exercise before moving onto the next.

J: 31:20
Russo: 37:30
A: 35:41

Press, Push Press, Push Jerk


Press 1-1-1-1-1
Push Press 3-3-3-3-3
Push Jerk 5-5-5-5-5

A: 135 - 125 - 125 - 130 - 130
J: 145 - 150 - 155 - 155 - 160

Push Press
A: 125 - 125 - 125 - 130 - 130
J: 145 - 150 - 150 - 150 - 155

Push Jerk
A: 75 - 115 - 105 - 105 - 105
J: 115 - 115 - 105 - 105 - 105


"Tabata Something Else"


Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are pull-ups, the second 8 are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are squats. There is no rest between exercises.

John Rob Adam

Pullups: Tabata/Total 2/47 2/32 4/44

Pushups: Tabata/Total 7/75 5/81 6/62

Situps: Tabata/Total 10/86 12/96 9/80

Squats: Tabata/Total 15/120 14/125 10/89

Tabata Score 34 29 33



Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes of 5 Pullups, 10 Pushups, 15 Squats

J: 14
UR: 14
A: 13


Run or Row 5k

Row 5k (3.12mi) for time


Dirty Thirties

For time:
30 Box jump, 24 inch box (sub'd steps - 2nd step)
30 pull-ups
30 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood (sub'd with DB)
Walking Lunge, 30 steps
30 Knees to elbows
30 Push press, 45 pounds
30 Back extensions (sub'd 45lb deadlifts)
30 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball (sub'd 45lb thrusters)
30 Burpees
30 Double unders (sub'd 60 single jump rope)



3 rounds for time:

800m run
50 situps
50 back extensions

800m run
50 situps
25 75lb deadlifts

only 2 rounds




3 rounds for time:

400m run (sub'd 2:15 row)
50lb db swing x 21
Pullups x 12


One minute improvement, which is good considering same time is used for the row.